Latest from the NFP People Blog

The ways women win at work: 5 minutes with Dr Lois Frankel

Dr Lois Frankel has become practically synonymous in the US with helping women succeed in work and life. Her book, Nice Girls Don’t Get the Corner Office, was a New York Times mega-bestseller that has been translated into twenty-five languages and sold a million copies worldwide. As president of Corporate Coaching International, Dr Frankel helps […]

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Aligning your super with your organisation’s values – an essential consideration for NFPs

  — Sponsored Post — Does the superannuation fund offered to your employees align with your organisation’s core values? A recent survey by Australian Ethical Super revealed that over 80% of Australians identified their superannuation as important for their financial future. Super is one of the biggest investments people will ever make, so it’s important […]

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How do successful not-for-profits develop future leaders? Part 5: Monitoring progress and adjusting course

Great leadership is central to all successful not-for-profit organisations. In this five-part series, we look at strategies to recognise and realise the leadership potential within a not-for-profit. Follow the links to part 1, part 2, part 3, and part 4. In part 5 below, we finish our series by looking the how you monitor your […]

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How do successful not-for-profits develop future leaders? Part 4: Recruiting for your leadership gaps

Great leadership is central to all successful not-for-profit organisations. In this five-part series, we look at strategies to recognise and realise the leadership potential within a not-for-profit. Follow the links to part 1, part 2, and part 3. Part 4 looks at what to do when you need to find new talent to fill your […]

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What is your brand saying to prospective employees?

In 2004 in Houston, Texas, neuroscientist Read Montague and his colleagues at Baylor College of Medicine did an experiment.

Taking a group of about 70 volunteers, Montague first gave them two unlabeled cups, one containing Coke, the other containing Pepsi. When questioned, almost all of the group said they preferred the Pepsi.

Montague then gave the same group two cans, each clearly labelled “Coke” and “Pepsi”. In what has become known as the “Pepsi Paradox”, the majority of the group now responded that they strongly preferred the “Coke” – even though both cans actually contained Pepsi!

So how does this relate to your NFP’s employer brand?

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How do successful not-for-profits develop future leaders? Part 3: Bringing out the best in people

  Great leadership is central to all successful not-for-profit organisations. In this five-part series, we look at strategies to recognise and realise the leadership potential within a not-for-profit. Follow the links to part 1 and part 2. Part 3 looks at how to offer your future leaders meaningful development opportunities to step into areas where […]

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“Dire, unprecedented workforce challenges” as health and community services grow

The health and community services workforce is predicted to grow by up to 77 per cent larger over the next 12 years to 2025, according to a new report from the government-funded Community Services and Health Industry Skills Council (CS&HISC). But that growth will bring “dire, unprecedented workforce challenges” without urgent action. The multimedia Environmental […]

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