Latest from the NFP People Blog

Leave policies that could make your NFP stand out from the crowd

Attracting and keeping top talent can be a challenge for not-for-profit organisations that can’t pay “the big bucks”. But often money isn’t the main benefit people are looking for. 

Savvy NFPs can differentiate themselves and stand out as an employer of choice with better, more progressive leave policies that can help to support your team members at the challenging or important times in their lives.

Here are 12 different types of leave your organisation could consider offering.

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Is quitting contagious? Depends on who else leaves and who’s in charge

Quitting is one of life’s big decisions. It takes an emotional and financial toll on the employee, their families and their co-workers. People want power over these types of big life decisions, aiming to have self-control over their circumstances and decisions.

But what happens when our colleagues quit? Are we more or less likely to quit? Essentially, is quitting contagious?

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How to respond to serious incidents in the workplace – best practice guidelines from the federal parliamentary review

Multiple sexual assault and sexual harassment complaints from workers and staffers at Parliament House in Canberra this year have been a cautionary tale for many organisations on how not to handle a serious workplace incident.

Here are 14 best-practice recommendations drawn from the Foster report that can help to improve your organisation’s response should a serious work place incident occur in your workplace.

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How to build a more resilient team

The unprecedented challenges of the pandemic have tested many NFP employees to their limits. So why have some been able to bounce back and carry on while others have struggled?

The answer may be resilience – a characteristic that gives teams the capacity to survive and even thrive in the face of adversity.

And the good news is it’s not an innate trait. It can be developed.

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Four ways NFP organisations can avoid post-pandemic employee turnover

Working from home has revealed that employees can have it all and they don’t want to lose this privilege. A recent survey showed that almost half of employees would look for a new employer rather than give up the ability to work from home at least part of the time.

Here are four proposals for employers to stave off employee turnover during the return to in-person work.

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