Latest from the NFP People Blog

How to elevate diversity, equity, and inclusion work in your organisation

To address systemic racism, many organisations are starting to create anti-racist diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) change agendas. Yet there is a wide chasm separating those organisations doing DEI work and those that are actually valuing the DEI work being done.

Here is a summary of a few key issues that Diversity Equity and Inclusion experts and their organisations currently face – and a “MERIT” framework for valuing DEI work, which accounts for both the objective and subjective notions of merit.

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How to improve your job interviews with candidates who have autism

Employers are gradually getting better at recognising the value of including neurodiverse people in their organisations, and information about accommodation strategies is starting to become more readily available.

That said, these accommodations aren’t helpful to workers if they are unable to land a job in the first place. Recruitment and selection practices can inadvertently negatively impact candidates with autism.

Some simple tactics can help lessen the likelihood of this happening.

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What is a “growth mindset” and why is it so important for your staff?

Stanford psychology professor Carol Dweck has spent her life studying human motivation. She’s undertaken decades of painstaking research to understand why people succeed (or don’t) and what’s within our control when it comes to success and failure.

Typically skills and experience are high on the list of priorities during a recruitment process. But Dweck’s theory suggests that mindset may be an even more powerful determinant of both professional effectiveness and leadership potential.

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How to help your team get more sleep

Lack of sleep may be triggering the next workplace health crisis: almost four in ten Australians admitting they aren’t getting a good night’s rest.

Educating managers about sleep and its benefits is crucial to ensuring they can manage teams to deliver maximum impact to your organisation – and your clients who depend on them.

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Eight ways NFP managers can vastly improve their communication skills

When it comes to communication, we all tend to think we’re pretty good at it.

Truth is, even those of us who are good communicators aren’t nearly as good as we think we are. This overestimation of our ability to communicate is magnified when interacting with people we spend the most time with.

These eight strategies will help you to overcome the communication bias that tends to hold us back, especially with those we manage or work closely with.

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How to write an effective mental health policy for your NFP

When your people are well, your organisation stands to benefit from higher productivity and higher staff retention.

Having a policy in your workplace – to frame staff actions on mental health and provide clarity for helping employees and managers speak openly and find solutions – can help set the foundations for supporting the mental health of employees and strengthening your organisation.

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