How beyondblue can help your NFP create a mentally healthy workplace – for next to nothing


Poor mental health costs Australian workplaces around $11 billion per year in lost productivity.

But, taking steps to improve the mental health of staff at your organisation might be far easier (and more affordable!) than you think.

Thanks to a new initiative from beyondblue, NFP workplaces across Australia have the opportunity to tackle mental health in the workplace for as little as $300.

The new, subsidised program involves mental health experts visiting your workplace and training an unlimited number of staff about depression and anxiety – including teaching your staff how to support colleagues who may be going through a difficult time.

More specifically, five different training sessions are available, including sessions specifically designed for HR professionals, senior executives or staff themselves.

Why is workplace mental health training important?

Simply put, a mentally healthy workplace is a happier and more productive one.

According to beyondblue CEO, Georgie Harman:

“Healthy employees take fewer sick days, file fewer compensation claims and are more productive at work than employees who are unwell.

Therefore, investing in mental health is a win-win for both employees and employers, and workplace mental health training is one of the easiest things an employer can implement to improve mental health in the workplace.”

The program is available to all not-for-profit organisations, but only until June 30th 2015.

If you’re interested in finding out more, give beyondblue a call on 1300 134 644 or email

For more information on the different programs available, visit their website.

Has your organisation ever undertaken workplace mental health training? We’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!

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