Resources for NFP Employers: Navigating the challenges of COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has created challenges for employers, HR teams, managers, staff and volunteers across the NFP sector. Undoubtedly you and your team have been affected – whether you’re adjusting to social distancing in the workplace, you’ve shifted to a remote set-up, or you’ve had to make the tough decision to stand down employees.

As we seek to support our community navigate these tough times, we’ve compiled a list of resources to help NFPs continue to attract, manage and retain your staff and volunteers at a time of incredible upheaval and challenges:

Official COVID-19 updates for employers

  • Getting your workplace ready for COVID-19 from the World Health Organisation. This document gives advice on simple ways to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in your workplace; how to manage COVID-19 risks when organising meetings & events; things to consider when you and your employees travel; and getting your workplace ready in case COVID-19 arrives in your community.

  • COVID-19 Economic response for NFPs from the Australian Tax Office. Official support and advice on the new legislation to provide temporary cash flow support to eligible NFPs during the economic downturn associated with COVID-19.

Resources for NFP People & Culture and HR leaders

  • COVID-19 HR & People Ops Prep Doc from Life Labs. LifeLabs Learning has gathered 1,000+ HR Leaders from different companies to share ideas, policies, and templates.

  • Epidemic/Pandemic Policy template from the Institute of Community Directors Australia. A free, downloadable copy of their Pandemic Policy which is able to be edited to suit your organisation’s needs.

JobKeeper Payment information for NFPs

COVID-19 Health & Safety Information for your staff and volunteers

  • Free online training module on infection control from the Federal Government. A 30 minute training module for workers across the health, aged care, disability and child care sectors which covers the fundamentals of infection prevention and control for COVID-19.

  • COVID-19 (Coronavirus) resources from NSW Health. Posters, fact sheets, brochures, videos and graphics to support communications on prevention and protection practises.  

  • COVID-19 and Family Violence from The Lookout. Resources for staff or volunteers who may be dealing with family violence at this time, developed by the Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria (DVRCV) and Domestic Violence Victoria (DV Vic).

Supporting the wellbeing of you and your team

  • Covid-19 Staff Check-In Survey from Voice Project. A free pulse survey enabling NFP’s to regularly check in on staff wellbeing and business continuity challenges.

Communicating with your staff and volunteers about COVID-19

  • COVID-19 Messaging Guide from Anat Shenker Osorio Communications. Messaging guide to inform your communications, promote solidarity and advocate for specific policy changes.

Help for working and managing people remotely

  • The Ultimate Guide to remote work from Zapier. Tips to help teams thrive, from Zapier; a 100% distributed company with over 300 remote employees in 17 time zones and 28 countries. 

  • The Ultimate Remote Work Guide from Life Labs Learning. A list of the biggest difficulties your team may face when working remotely and simple tips to overcome each challenge.

  • Leading Remotely during COVID-19 from People For Success. Free training program for managers leading remote teams to support leaders find the right balance between empathising with the change in work conditions and maintaining productivity and accountability.

  • Eat Play Love from UNICEF Australia. Top tips for busy parents balancing work and childcare at home – from UNICEF’s child development expert.

Employment law & legal issues caused by COVID-19

  • Free Legal Advice for NFPs through COVID-19 from Justice Connect. Justice Connect is offering access to tailored legal support for community organisations and not-for-profits that are grappling with complex legal issues arising from measures to contain COVID-19.

  • Unpaid Pandemic Leave in Awards from the Fair Work Commission. On April 9, the FWC altered nearly 100 awards to provide a minimum of two weeks’ unpaid pandemic leave for all workers covered by the awards, and also to allow staff to choose to take twice their annual leave at half their usual rate of pay.

COVID-19 Emergency Accommodation program for frontline workers

The Victorian Government’s Hotel for Heroes program – or Coronavirus Emergency Accommodation (CEA) program –  provides emergency accommodation for a variety of frontline health and community sector workers required to quarantine or self-isolate, but are unable to do so in their home. Eligible frontline workers include:

  • Public and private hospital clinical or non-clinical healthcare workers 
  • Paramedics
  • Frontline workers in hospital laboratories 
  • Public and private sector residential aged care workforce 
  • Workers deployed by the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) or Department of Justice and Community Safety (DJCS) in frontline COVID-19 operational roles. 
  • Workers in primary care settings 
  • Victoria Police workforce 
  • Youth Justice workforce 
  • Metropolitan Fire Brigade officers 
  • Country Fire Authority Emergency Medical Response officers 
  • Victoria Corrections workforce 
  • Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation workforce 
  • Frontline workers in supported accommodation for people with a disability 
  • Community based pharmacy workforce 

The Hotels for Heroes program is also available to eligible frontline workers who regularly work in an environment that involves consistent exposure to coronavirus (COVID-19) positive patients, who need accommodation on compassionate grounds, or those who cannot safely self-isolate or quarantine at home.

For more details, download the Hotels for Heroes – Guidance and screening form for organisations – 29 July 2020 (Word)

Returning to your workplace

  • Employers are also required to develop a ‘COVIDSafe plan’ for their workplace, and the Federal Government has published a 14-page toolkit to assist with this.

  • Damn Good Advice on Creating a COVID-19-Safe Workplace from Our Community. This comprehensive guide sets out the steps your organisation needs to take when you’re thinking of bringing your people – your staff, managers and volunteers – back to their usual workplace, including template checklists.

Other NFP Sector Resources

  • Charity operations and COVID-19 from the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC). Guidance on a number of issues for organisations that have had their usual operations affected by the outbreak and spread of COVID-19.

Do you have any other resources that have helped you navigate these uncertain and challenging times? Process documents that you’ve created that you’d be happy to share? Guides or articles that have helped you and your team? We’d love to share them with our NFP People community – please share them below.

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