Seven great NFP recruitment videos for your inspiration

“At the end of the day people won’t remember what you said or did, they will remember how you made them feel.
– Maya Angelou

How do potential candidates feel about your organisation?

Your job ad is an introduction not just to a job, but to your organisation too. And if you want jobseekers to feel good about the work you do after reading your job ad, nothing beats video.

Rather than just reading about your culture or your purpose, a recruitment video lets potential candidates see and hear from the real people who make up your organisation.

So after watching your video, jobseekers will know a little more about your organisation – but more importantly, they’ll have a feeling about it. They may be excited, inspired, interested or just curious. How they feel is in the hands of the person who’s putting the video together.

There are many NFPs out there creating fantastic recruitment videos. Take a look at a some of our favourites – and notice how each one makes you feel:

1. “Join the team at integratedliving Australia”

Meeting a group of diverse employees at disability and aged-care organisation integratedliving in this video —and hearing what they love about their work — shows us just how fulfilling their frontline roles can be. These roles aren’t always the most glamorous jobs, but seeing the employees interact with their clients shows the heart and purpose of the work and helps the viewer actually imagine working there too!

2. NPY Women’s Council – “WorkforUs”

It’s not easy attracting staff to regional or remote jobs, but a video this good can make a real difference. In this video from NPY Women’s Council, we don’t just get told how the organisation delivers health, social and cultural services in the Ngaanyatjarra Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (NPY) region of Central Australia — we get shown all the ways that employees engage, support and guide the community. We get to see a truly unique and inspiring work environment, and it’s able to come to life in video.

3. “SwanCare Letters”

This video from SwanCare helps to re-focus on the beauty and importance of working in aged care. By having others reflect on the work of the employees, we realise the amazing impact a person working in this often-overlooked sector can have — it’s truly touching to see.

4. “We are Greenpeace”

Making people feel like they belong even before they are a part of the organisation is really powerful. There’s a great emotional connection built through this video by Greenpeace Australia to inspire people to be a part of the organisation, whether in a volunteer or a paid role.

5. “Afford – About Us”

It would be hard not to feel inspired and excited to work at Afford (the Australian Foundation for Disability) after seeing the incredibly joyful moments that their employees help create for their clients. This video aims to inspire and create a big emotional connection for potential applicants.

6. “Join our team and support those who need us more than ever during this pandemic”

Recruitment videos don’t need to be inspiring – they can be touching in other ways too. The quiet simplicity of this video from Sacred Heart Mission helps candidates understand the dignity and important of this organisation’s work and how their staff can make all the difference for people who need support, right now.

7. “GetUp: We’re hiring a Campaign Director!”

This one has been in our archives for a while (it was created back in 2014!), but it definitely stands the test of time as a great example of recruitment video for a specific role. Having the person leaving the role speak about what’s involved in their work and how much they love it adds a level of insight that’s incredibly valuable and engaging for a person who might end up filling their shoes at GetUp.

Have you seen any great recruitment videos? Does your organisation use video to attract employees and volunteers? We’d love to see your favourite recruitment videos — please share them below!

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