Latest from the NFP People Blog

Better opportunities for older people will transform your organisation: Tips from the Age Discrimination Commissioner

It’s the reality that employers are only just beginning to address: the Australian workforce is getting older, fast. As Generation X-ers begin to enter their 50s, NFPs need to plan for the challenges of an older workforce, but also recognise the significant benefits that longer, healthier careers can bring to the sector. Susan Ryan AO […]

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Five (more) interview tips to find that perfect staff member

Do you find interviewing overly stressful? Maybe you’re doing it wrong! We’ve previously explored some of the most important tips for getting your interview right, including a well-prepared panel of interviewers, an emphasis on listening, and lots of note taking. With interviews being a crucial tool for recruitment, you can always find ways to improve. […]

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Five essential steps to boosting volunteer retention – part one

Holding on to volunteers in any organisation can be really hard work. In fact, there’s a chance that the person charged with looking after volunteers in your organisation may be a volunteer themselves!

With so many competing priorities and distractions in people’s lives, if you want to make sure your volunteers stick around you’re going to need a clear plan to keep them motivated.

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Given the Chance, how many more lives can your organisation change?

You probably know that diversity is good. Good for your organisation (diverse workforces perform better), good for your team (more diverse workforces lead to higher client satisfaction), and good for your staff (staff in diverse workforces are more committed and less absent). But despite all of this goodness, many organisations can be daunted by the idea of increasing […]

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Job ads are your most important tool to reach potential candidates. Here’s the first thing you need to do to make them amazing.

As a not-for-profit organisation, your staff and volunteers are what makes your organisation succeed or fail. So it follows that hiring dedicated people who are passionate about your vision and purpose is incredibly important!

That’s why when you’re putting together a job ad, the most important part of the ad isn’t the specific tasks of the role or even what your organisation does, but a short explanation of your organisation’s purpose – why you do what you do. So how do you find your Why?

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A challenge to NFP organisations: consider employing someone with a disability

Of the 2.1 million working-age Australians with a disability, the majority are unemployed, despite many of them having a desire and the ability to work.  This represents an incredible opportunity for NFPs to widen their recruitment pool and not only meet their workforce needs but also improve their organisation’s performance.   In this guest post, Tom […]

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