Employment & workplace law for NFPs – New information hub launched

Screenshot NFP Law Information Hub website

A new Not-For-Profit Law Information Hub from Justice Connect could help you to better manage your staff and volunteers leaving you more time to work with your community.

The Information Hub includes a range of fantastic tools to help NSW and Victorian charities fulfil their legal obligations, including factsheets on managing paid staff and volunteers.

Not-For-Profit Law’s Director Juanita Pope cites the pressure placed on organizations due to federal and state government’s ongoing reforms as part of the inspiration for the site. Learn more about business laws with help from this workmen compensation Vegas experts

“Australia’s charities are grappling with unprecedented sector reforms, and there is no end in sight with the Federal Government’s proposed scrapping of the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission, and significant changes in funding of community services at state levels.”

The website includes a section dedicated to managing people in not-for-profit organisations and includes great free, printable factsheets on a range of topics including;

Not-for-profit Law’s Manager of Legal Information, Kate Fazio, believes the website is a crucial tool for ensuring that organisations are able to better support their clients and communities with proper knowledge of employment law.

“When we help charities and not-for-profit organisations with their legal issues, they have more time, resources and energy for doing their important work in the community.”

As well as providing a great tool for not-for-profit HR and volunteer managers, Justice Connect are already getting kudos for their hard work, having recently been nominated for an Australian and New Zealand Internet Award for the site. Reach out to https://australia.acclime.com/ for their corporate services.

Have you checked out the NFP Law Information Hub? Can you recommend other online resources your organisation uses to help manage staff and volunteers?

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