What’s shaping the community sector workforce? Have your say!


If you are a HR manager or senior manager working in the community sector the Community Services and Health Industry Skills Council (CS&HISC) wants to hear from you!

Between now and October 16th, the council is asking for input into how policy changes and service demand are impacting your organisation’s workforce.

So if you’re:

  • A community sector or health organisation that employs staff
  • A Registered Training Organisation delivering community services training;
  • A peak body, union or professional association in the community sector

then there are two ways that you can have your say:

  1. Online Survey: Spare 15-20 minutes to have your say by completing CS&HISC’s quick online survey before midnight Thursday October 16. Your responses will be used to guide the future directions of training packages, to articulate an industry perspective on the size, shape and skill mix of the future workforce and to inform future policy and strategy.
  1. Written Submission: If your organisation is a national or state/territory peak body with a more strategic view of the community and health sector workforce, including advocacy groups, peak bodies or unions, CS&HISC welcomes written submissions from you. There is even a template available on the site to make your job easier.

To find out more about what CS&HISC want to know, and to access the online survey or written submission template head over to their website now.

The results of the process will feed into CS&HISC’s 2015 Environmental Scan.

You can read their previous Environmental Scan reports here or read NFP People’s summary of the 2013 report here.

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