$10 million in volunteer grants for NFPs like yours

Could your organisation use a bit of help to support your volunteers?

Volunteers are the backbone of Australia’s not-for-profit sector, with 83 percent of Australian NFPs working with them.

Recognising the valuable contribution volunteers make to communities around Australia, the Federal Government last week announced $10 million in grants for community organisations that engage volunteers.

The grants of between $1,000 and $5,000 aim to support volunteers “who give their time and energy to help build stronger, more cohesive communities,” by allowing organisations to buy much-needed equipment, cover fuel expenses, provide training and conduct background security checks.

Announcing the opening of the Volunteer Grants 2016, Minister for Social Services Christian Porter said particular priority would be given to organisations working in disadvantaged communities and those affected by natural disasters.

“I particularly encourage regional and Indigenous organisations to apply,” Mr Porter said.

“Volunteers are often unsung heroes and they form the backbone to so many aspects of our way of life; from surf lifesaving to keep us safe when we swim; supporting our elderly to remain in their homes with Meals on Wheels; and helping the newest arrivals to Australia learn English.”

The grants are part of the Federal Government’s $28 million Strengthening Communities program, designed to support the capacity of communities to address local issues.

Applications for the grants close on December 20. Visit the Department of Social Services website for more information or to apply.


Image: Mosman Library/Flickr.

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