Two national NFP surveys your organisation should contribute to

2020 NFP Sector Surveys

Australia’s NFP sector is an important part of our society and our economy – employing more than 10 percent of all working Australians, but massively under-represented when it comes to inputs into government decision-making and policy-making.

Can you help change that? Here are two surveys of the sector that will help inform policy-makers about the critical issues affecting the sector, and support ongoing advocacy on behalf of the sector’s interests – and ultimately, for the interests of the most vulnerable people in our communities.

Pulse of the For-Purpose Sector Survey

Undertaken by independent researchers at the Centre for Social Impact (CSI), at the University of NSW, Swinburne University of Technology and the University of WA, the Pulse of the For-Purpose Sector Survey is an initiative that aims to provide key information on the state of the charity, not-for-profit and for-purpose sectors. 

The results will form an in-depth look at the current operating conditions for Australian for-purpose organisations, and will be compiled in a Pulse of the For-Purpose Sector Report. 

This report will be used to support ongoing advocacy for a policy and operational environment that enhances the visibility, funding and collaboration amongst Australian for-purpose organisations. 

The survey asks questions about your overall operations and expectations for the future and, therefore, should be answered by the CEO, President or a member of the senior management team. It should take approximately 30-40 minutes to complete, but the time will depend on some of the answers you give.   

Click here to take the survey (Approx 30-40 minutes)

Survey closing date: 7 August, 2020.

Australia’s Community Sector: Responding to COVID-19

Commissioned by the Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS) on behalf of the COSS Network, this survey is about community sector experiences of the COVID-19 crisis, and priorities for the sector in coming months. All staff and managers in community sector organisations in Australia are invited to participate.  

Research findings will be reported to the COSS network to help inform the Federal Government, National Cabinet, COVID Commission and other policy makers about the critical issues affecting the community sector and any gaps in social services emerging during the COVID-19 early recovery period. The survey aims to help build sector advocacy relating to resourcing, contracting, funding and capacity to deliver the services needed in our communities.

Click here to take the survey. (Approx 15 minutes)

Survey closing date: Monday 27 July.

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