Latest from the NFP People Blog

The path to happiness at work, with Dr Timothy Sharp

Dr. Timothy Sharp is the founder & CHO (Chief Happiness Officer) of The Happiness Institute – Australia’s first and now largest organisation devoted solely to enhancing happiness for individuals, families and organisations. In the lead-up to his presentation at the 2015 Not-For-Profit People Conference, Dr. Sharp spoke with us about what happiness at work looks like, why it’s important and how you can help staff to find it.

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Six effective ways to have that difficult conversation at work

Employees want more feedback. Gen Y employees in particular, want constant feedback. Managers however are often reluctant to give feedback if they fear that what starts as a rational conversation may degenerate into an emotional one.

In this guest post, Grace McCarthy provides some simple guidelines to help managers to achieve positive outcomes from these difficult conversations.

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Staff with kids? This new website is here to help.

“Higher absenteeism, lower productivity, higher staff turnover… as well as reputational damage”. They’re just a few of the issues arising from an alarming amount of workplace discrimination uncovered by the Australian Human Rights Commission related to pregnancy, parental leave or returning to work from leave. Fortunately, there’s a fantastic new website to address these very issues.

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6 steps to improve your staff training – and increase staff retention too

Even with the knowledge that training and development can have a massive impact on your staff and organisation’s performance, being able to invest time and money in it can still be a challenge for many NFP organisations. In this post we explore the big question of “how?” for NFPs that want to take the next steps.

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What is your website really saying to potential employees?

Have you considered that almost every potential employee who considers applying for a job with your organisation will read through your website, and use it to decide whether to apply for the job or not? When surveyed our community of ethical job-seekers in 2014, they told us that checking out a potential employer’s website was by far the most popular way to assess them.

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The 3 best predictors of staff performance

In recruitment, the easiest thing to do is the same thing you’ve always done. But it’s always worth double-checking your selection process to consider what you could be doing better.

In this post, we look at extensive research which provides some excellent, and at times surprising, insights into what the most effective selection tools and recruitment processes are.

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