Cultural diversity makes organisations work better. This tool shows you how


According to research by Deloitte, if just 10% of staff in an organisation felt more included, their attendance at work would increase by almost one day per year.

Not only that, but employees who perceive that their workplace is inclusive also see the organisation as better performing – and this trickles through to actual organisational performance too.

Wondering if your organisation is inclusive? And if not, how can you make it so?

Well, there’s now a free tool available for NFPs of all sizes to measure, assess and strategise for a more inclusive workplace.

Called the Workplace Cultural Diversity Tool, it’s been developed in Australia based on international best practise and could help you to unlock some great benefits to your organisation.

Why is cultural diversity in the workplace so important?

According to Diversity Council CEO Lisa Annese, “As Australia becomes more culturally diverse, it is important that organisations have the right resources to effectively manage the opportunities this presents.”

More than simply reflecting Australia’s population though, there are a number of tangible benefits for organisations that choose to prioritise cultural diversity planning.

According to the Workplace Cultural Diversity Tool website, “Research demonstrates that organisations that manage cultural diversity well can expect to receive a host of benefits, including greater employee commitment and team performance… and better customer and client satisfaction.”

What now?

If those benefits sound good to you, all you need to get started is a spare hour to devote to the site’s online assessment tool.

The assessment tool is a starting point help organisational leaders better understand and plan for managing cultural diversity in the workplace.

Once you’ve completed the assessment you’ll receive a report that includes a score for your organisation out of a possible 90, plus practical recommendations on how you can start creating a cultural diversity action plan.

The tool will also link you to other useful resources if you’d like to learn more including information factsheets and further research.

It’s important to remember that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to cultural diversity in the workplace so the information provided at the end of the report is broad and not designed to provide specific directions for organisations.

Regardless, this tool can be an important step for many organisations in their journey towards cultural inclusive future for their organisation.

Will you take that first step today?

We’d love to know what strategies your organisation utilises to be more culturally diverse. Please share your stories in the comments below!

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