Our Top 10 posts of 2015


It’s been a huge year for the Not-For-Profit People blog!

We’ve worked to bring you the best and most innovative ideas, case studies, opinions and resources on how to recruit, train and retain the very best people for the not-for-profit sector – and we hope you’ve been able to take away some great advice to apply to your organisation.

In 2015, we were delighted to see our readership grow by almost 50 percent – which we couldn’t have done without your interest and engagement, so thank you!

We’re looking forward to bringing you more inspiring ideas, tips and research in 2016, but in the meantime, here are our ten most popular blog posts from 2015.

All the best for the holidays!

  1. 15 things NFP leaders should always say

As an NFP leader, what you say to your staff can have a big impact on job satisfaction and productivity – no matter how minor you think it might be. In this post we explore fifteen phrases you should be using.

  1. Seven advanced interview questions to reveal what your candidate is really thinking

Have you ever recruited someone you thought was the perfect candidate, only for them to turn out to be a hiring disaster? To avoid this scenario, we reveal seven interview questions that dig deep – which may uncover potential gaps in a candidate’s fit for the role.

  1. Five lessons from one of Australia’s best not-for-profit places to work

Just one NFP organisation made it into the Business Review Weekly’s (BRW) list of Best Places to Work in Australia in 2013: the Australian Indigenous Mentoring Experience (AIME). So how does an organisation set up just ten years ago by a university student become one of the best places to work in the country?

  1. 6 steps to improve your staff training and increase staff retention too

Ground-breaking research released this year revealed that every dollar Australian NFPs invest into training and development has the potential to generate six more dollars in benefits to the organisation – but how can NFPs take the necessary steps to action this?

In this article, lead author of the aforementioned research, Dr Ramon Wenzel, shares his tips on how your organisation can find the time and resources needed to invest in staff training and development.

  1. Google’s advice to instantly improve your interviews

Google’s HR boss Laszlo Bock receives 50,000 resumes every week. While there’s no shortage of willing candidates, finding the people who will end up performing best is always a challenge. So how does Bock suggest organisations should sort the best candidates from the rest?

  1. Six effective ways to have that difficult conversation at work

Nowadays employees want more feedback ever, but managers are often reluctant to give it if they fear that what starts as a rational conversation may degenerate into an emotional one. Here are some simple guidelines that can help managers achieve positive outcomes from these often tricky conversations.

  1. The three best predictors of staff performance

In recruitment, the easiest thing to do is the same thing you’ve always done. But do you know which selection tools and recruitment processes are the most accurate predictors of how a candidate will perform if hired? And is your organisation using them?

  1. Five more interview tips to find that perfect staff member

Do you find interviewing overly stressful? Maybe you’re doing it wrong! With interviews such a crucial tool for recruitment, you can always find ways to improve. Here are five interview tips to help you find your perfect candidate.

  1. Five essential steps to boosting volunteer retention – part one

Holding on to volunteers in any organisation, especially one without a dedicated volunteer manager, can be really hard work. In part one of this two-part article, we look at three of five essential elements of a well-planned volunteer program that will help to retain your volunteers long after recruitment.

  1. Four elements of change management that every NFP leader should know

In this guest post, frontline leadership expert and HR practitioner Karen Schmidt uses her ‘Workplace Gardening Philosophy’ to outline four vital steps NFP leaders need to take to manage change better in their organisations – and to keep people engaged throughout the process.

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