Latest from the NFP People Blog

How to support staff – and yourself – through redundancies: a guide for NFP leaders

Have funding cuts and uncertainty left your organisation considering restructuring and/or redundancies? People are at the heart of all NFP organisations, so when the going gets tough ensuring people are treated with dignity and respect is of utmost importance. A new guide created specifically for not-for-profit leaders aims to help NFP leaders to manage staff […]

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Four elements of change management that every NFP leader should know

Frontline leadership expert and former human resources practitioner Karen Schmidt recently presented on “Leading people down the path of change” at a series of Not-For-Profit People Breakfasts in Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne. In this guest post, Karen uses her ‘Workplace Gardening Philosophy’ to outline four vital steps NFP leaders need to take to manage change […]

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Walking the talk: How walking meetings can make your staff fitter, happier and more productive

The Young and Well CRC is an international research centre, based in Melbourne, that focuses on the role technologies can play in improving young people’s mental health and wellbeing. Young and Well CRC is also a leader in workplace health and wellbeing.

In 2014, they publicly released their innovative and comprehensive wellbeing policy, with the aim of supporting other organisations to prioritise wellbeing in the workplace.

In this guest post, Rose O’Sullivan, Young and Well’s HR Advisor and Operations Support, shares why they love one particular initiative from their wellbeing policy – the walking meeting – and why you should bring walking meetings into your organisation too.

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The community services and health sectors will create one in four new jobs by 2018 – is your organisation ready?

One in four jobs created in Australia by 2018 will be in the community services and health sectors. That’s the staggering statistic to come out of last week’s 2015 Environmental Scan (EScan) from the Community Services and Health Industry Skills Council (CS&HISC). The growth is undeniably big – and it’s clear that there’s a huge […]

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How beyondblue can help your NFP create a mentally healthy workplace – for next to nothing

Poor mental health costs Australian workplaces around $11 billion per year in lost productivity. But, taking steps to improve the mental health of staff at your organisation might be far easier (and more affordable!) than you think. Thanks to a new initiative from beyondblue, NFP workplaces across Australia have the opportunity to tackle mental health […]

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Six ways to make your performance management processes really work

According to the latest Deloitte Global Human Capital Trends survey, there’s one area in which organisations are failing significantly – and their leaders know it: Performance management. Of the 3,300 business and HR leaders surveyed, incredibly just 10 percent believed that their performance management processes were a good use of time.

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