Latest from the NFP People Blog

NFPs could increase their impact by prioritising staff learning: new research

How do you prioritise professional development in your organisation? It’s not always easy to find the budget for training and development of staff, but according to new research on Australia’s NFP sector, failing to invest in this area could be significantly affecting your organisation’s success and impact. Researchers from the University of Western Australia (UWA) […]

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How Save the Children saved 1,400 hours and $54,000 switching to automated HR processes

– Sponsored Content – This is a guest post by Michael Lloyd of SilkRoad. Since its foundation almost 100 years ago, Save the Children Australia has raised millions of dollars through its network of offices in Asia Pacific. The organisation employs more than 800 staff, including a handful of representatives globally and throughout the region. […]

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NFP HR benchmarks: Organisations are spending more but reducing turnover. How do you measure up?

Are your organisation’s performance management and training up to scratch? How does your staff turnover stack up against like-minded organisations? Are you spending too much (or too little) on recruitment? A new benchmarking report from Nous Group has found that NFP organisations have increased their HR spend over the last three years, and have been […]

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HomeGround survived five organisational restructures in four years. Here are their HR team’s lessons for other NFPs facing change.

Could you imagine having to manage not one, not two – but  five organisational restructures in four years? That’s the task that homelessness organisation HomeGround Services was faced with when it had its funding was cut and staff found themselves having to reinvent the organisation multiple times in in just four years. Not only did General […]

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Cultural diversity makes organisations work better. This tool shows you how

According to research by Deloitte, if just 10% of staff in an organisation felt more included, their attendance at work would increase by almost one day per year. Not only that, but employees who perceive that their workplace is inclusive also see the organisation as better performing – and this trickles through to actual organisational […]

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Work health and safety for volunteers – how to keep your organisation and volunteers safe

– Sponsored Content –  As a not-for-profit organisation, it’s good practice to conduct a work health and safety (WHS) audit on a regular basis to ensure your organisation is meeting its duty of care to all your workers, and this includes volunteers. It’s important to apply a systematic approach to managing your WHS obligations for […]

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How do you lead effectively in tough times? Indispensable advice from Mission Australia’s CEO

From bank clerk to the head of one of Australia’s largest not-for-profit organisations, Mission Australia’s first ever female CEO Catherine Yeomans is responsible for 3,500 employees across Australia. With staff at Mission Australia providing services to thousands of the community’s most disadvantaged people – a challenging job that can result in high rates of burnout, […]

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