Capacity Building and Change Management: A guide for community services

Did you know that about 70 percent of organisational change initiatives fail to achieve their goals? That’s a huge amount of wasted time, energy and money.

And with the not-for-profit sector facing significant challenges and constant changes in recent years, it probably seems like the only constant in many organisations is change.

So would you appreciate some help – useful, practical tools, strategies and practices, designed especially for community organisations – to better manage change in your organisation?

A new guide created by the Victorian Alcohol and Drug Association (VAADA) aims to equip not-for-profits with the tools and knowledge needed to successfully manage change.

Titled Capacity building and change management – a guide for community services, the guide also addresses the challenges posed by funding constraints and increasing service demands.

Designed specifically with health and community care organisations in mind, the guide is an excellent resource for any not-for-profit seeking to deliver programs to their community in a more integrated and collaborative way.

The resource offers step-by-step guidance on:
• How to approach change and transition in dynamic environments;
• Dealing with resistance to change;
• Developing the capacity of your workforce;
• Partnerships with other agencies; and
• Involving consumers, carers and the community.

It finishes by offering plans to help your community organisation implement, sustain and monitor your change strategy, and provides practical templates and worksheets to streamline the process.

So can you afford to approach the change process without being armed with the right knowledge?

Download a PDF of the guide for free here.

How does your organisation manage change? We’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!

Image: Alan O’Rourke/Flickr.

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