A free course on People Analytics for purpose-driven organisations, from the experts at Google

Does your organisation sometimes base HR decisions on emotions, instincts or politics rather than data?

Every day, reams of data are created by your organisation that could help you make better people decisions. Decisions like:

  • Who to hire?
  • Who to promote?
  • How to manage great staff or struggling staff?
  • How to build high-performing teams?

But how do you turn all that data you’ve got – whether through CVs, staff surveys, or staff pay and performance data – into actionable insights?

Enter People Analytics. This emerging field uses data to advance how organisations make decisions about human resources and enables leaders to operate on evidence rather than intuition.

Prasad Setty leads the People Analytics team at Google and is a pioneer in this field.

And he’s sharing the invaluable insights he’s developed at Google with for-purpose organisations – like yours – for free, on the +Acumen platform.

His short course offers a behind-the-scenes look at how Google conducts its research to distill the characteristics of the most effective teams and managers.

He’ll walk you through how his team uses data to inform Google’s decisions about promotions, compensation, and team structure and help you get started incorporating data into your own human resource decisions – whether your NFP has one employee or 10,000.

By the end of this course, you’ll have taken the first steps towards establishing a data-powered, performance-driven culture for your own organisation and gained practical tips for building people analytics processes.

Here’s what you’ll learn in this short series of videos:

Course Curriculum

1. Welcome to the Course from Prasad Setty
2. Introduce Yourself
3. Resource: Workbook for the Course

Building a Data-Driven Approach to Human Resources

4. Human Resources and Data Science
5. Fundamentals of People Analytics
6. Steps to Get Started with People Analytics
7. Collecting Data for HR
8. Embedding People Analytics in the Organisation
9. Complementing Human Decisions with Data
10. Exercise: Reflect on Your HR Decisions and Apply People Analytics

The Science of Great Teams

11. Building Great Teams: Google’s Project Aristotle
12. Diagnostic Tools for Teams
13. Creating Psychological Safety: Google’s Project Wing
14. Exercise: Diagnose Your Team Dynamics and Plan for Improvement

Data on Great Managers

15. Effective Managers: Google’s Project Oxygen
16. Managing People in Social Enterprises
17. Exercise: Adapt Google’s Strategy for Great Managers to Your Organisation

Influencing Behaviour with Data

18. Data to Influence Behaviour Change
19. Data for Fairness
20. Exercise: Plan For Action Based on Data and Reflect on People Analytics
21. Final Reflection
22. Complete the Post-Course Satisfaction Survey

Interested? Access this free course in People Analytics any time by clicking through to the +Acumen platform here.

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