Human Resources

HR – who even needs it?

Management fads are fun, and one that keeps resurfacing is hating on HR — aka Human Resources. We can all think of times when HR has caused us a special kind of pain and suffering — payroll screw-ups, pointless performance reviews, unintelligible procedures…so, is it time to get rid of HR?

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How to support staff – and yourself – through redundancies: a guide for NFP leaders

Have funding cuts and uncertainty left your organisation considering restructuring and/or redundancies? People are at the heart of all NFP organisations, so when the going gets tough ensuring people are treated with dignity and respect is of utmost importance. A new guide created specifically for not-for-profit leaders aims to help NFP leaders to manage staff […]

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HomeGround survived five organisational restructures in four years. Here are their HR team’s lessons for other NFPs facing change.

Could you imagine having to manage not one, not two – but  five organisational restructures in four years? That’s the task that homelessness organisation HomeGround Services was faced with when it had its funding was cut and staff found themselves having to reinvent the organisation multiple times in in just four years. Not only did General […]

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Nine essential steps for creating a great position description

PDs are too often hastily thrown together using out-dated elements from old job descriptions, limited (or too wordy) information about the position’s real responsibilities and uninspiring, cliché-ridden corporate-speak.

By contrast, the perfect position description is neither too descriptive nor too vague, uses clear, simple language and unmistakably represents the ethos of your organisation in such a way that potential candidates feel immediately excited about the prospect of working with you.

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