Latest from the NFP People Blog

HR – who even needs it?

Management fads are fun, and one that keeps resurfacing is hating on HR — aka Human Resources. We can all think of times when HR has caused us a special kind of pain and suffering — payroll screw-ups, pointless performance reviews, unintelligible procedures…so, is it time to get rid of HR?

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Six reasons annual performance reviews don’t work

Would it surprise you to learn that just eight percent of organisations consider annual performance reviews valuable? And that a further 45 percent of HR leaders think performance reviews are inaccurate in appraising an employee’s work? Employers and staff alike have long reviled performance reviews – and not much has changed in the 1,700-odd years since their inception.

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How much should you be paying your fundraisers?

Does your organisation employ fundraisers? A fundraiser or fundraising team are probably some of the most important staff in your organisation, potentially responsible for a large chunk of your revenue. But with headlines like ‘Charities’ fund-raising costs swallow millions in donations’, how much to pay your fundraisers can be a controversial question.

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How much are your volunteers really giving?

Did you know that for every dollar your organisation invests into volunteering, the flow-on benefit to the community is valued at more than $4? That’s according to peak body Volunteering Tasmania, which last month launched a free online calculation tool to help organisations accurately assess the economic impact of their volunteer programs.

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Time to take a sick day: working when ill is bad for you – and your organisation

Feeling ill? Well, staying at home would seem to be the sensible course of action. Yet for many, going to work while sick has become the norm, even a necessity in the face of the pressures placed on us by the organisations which employ us. In many cases, illness is no longer seen as a valid reason for not working; rather, it is considered to be something that people must put up with and get over. Sick days are for wimps. Yet, working while ill – or “presenteeism” – adds to the costs of organisations.

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How one Dutch NFP is revolutionising community service using self-managing teams – with Yumi Stamet

In the lead-up to her presentation at the 2015 Not-For-Profit People Conference, Yumi Stamet – a Workforce Adviser for the National Disability Services (NDS) – spoke with us about Buurtzorg, a Dutch NFP that has grown from just 4 staff in 2006 to over 8,000 staff today, by pioneering a system of self-managing teams. Buurtzorg has the most satisfied workforce of any Dutch company with more than 1,000 employees.

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