Saying goodbye to great staff is never easy. And when the person leaving has ‘deep smarts’ – that is, mission-critical, experienced-based knowledge – it can be a particularly difficult blow.
Offboarding staff: are you getting it right?

Saying goodbye to great staff is never easy. And when the person leaving has ‘deep smarts’ – that is, mission-critical, experienced-based knowledge – it can be a particularly difficult blow.
With the holiday season now fading to a distant memory, your organisation is likely well into the swing of work for 2016.
But it’s easy to slip straight back into the way you were doing things last year, and probably the years before, too.
In our last post, we revealed why an Employee Value Proposition, or EVP, should be a vital component in shaping your organisation’s HR policies.
In case you missed it, an EVP is the unique characteristics and benefits your organisation provides to staff in exchange for their skills, time and expertise.
It’s fair to say that most people working in the NFP sector aren’t primarily motivated by money. So what do staff get out of working at your organisation? Enter the Employee Value Proposition, or EVP – recognised as an effective way to answer this question.
Having a difficult conversation in the workplace can be, well, difficult. Giving criticism is hard – and so is receiving it. As a result, the conversations that need to be had the most often go unspoken, leaving problems and grievances unaddressed and ultimately causing issues like reduced productivity and low morale.
If your people are the heart of your NFP, your culture is the blood – invisible from the outside, but the primary mode of nourishment and growth. But if that culture is poor, it can filter down through an entire organisation and cause problems like high staff turnover and reduced productivity.
What does your NFP’s usual recruitment process look like? Is it a haphazard, unruly beast, or a well-oiled machine? If your organisation either doesn’t recruit regularly, or if your HR person or team doesn’t give you much help, then you probably need to take a good, hard look at the process you use for recruiting new staff – from start to finish. Here’s how to put together a winning recruitment process for your organisation.
Would it surprise you to learn that making your job interview process more challenging for candidates could improve your staff’s long-term satisfaction? Just a ten percent increase in job interview difficulty could boost your workforce’s collective job satisfaction by up to 3.6 percent – is it time your organisation took a different tack in its interviewing strategy?
We’ve worked to bring you the best and most innovative ideas, case studies, opinions and resources on how to recruit, train and retain the very best people for the not-for-profit sector – and we hope you’ll be able to take away some great advice to apply to your organisation. Here are our ten most popular blog posts from 2015!
Organisations sidestepping traditional performance review systems aren’t canning the idea of reviewing performance altogether. They recognise the need to continue to improve staff performance in some way – just one that is more effective. Here are four key tips for ditching your current performance review process.